How to create an email alias in Plesk

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to create an email alias.

Click the Mail tab.

Then click on the email address for which you want to create an alias.

Click the Email Aliases tab.

Now enter one or more email aliases for this email address.

Click OK to create the aliases.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create email aliases in Plesk.

That’s it! Now when someone sends email to either admin@ or, those emails will arrive in the email account.

How to create a catchall email account in Plesk

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to create a catchall email account.

Click the Mail tab.

Then click the Mail Settings tab.

Select the domain for which you want to create a catchall email account, then click Mail for Non-Existent Users.

Click the Forward to address option, then enter the address you want all these emails to go to.

Then click OK.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create a catchall email account in Plesk.

That’s it! Now when someone sends email to an address in this domain you haven’t setup, that email will go to

How to create an email forwarder in Plesk

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to create an email forwarder.

Click the Mail tab.

Select the email address for which you want to create a forwarder…

Then click the Forwarding tab.

Click to switch on mail forwarding, then enter the email address to forward emails to.

When finished, click OK.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create an email forwarder in Plesk.

That’s it! Now when emails are sent to, they’ll automatically be forwarded to as well.

How to enable auto-reply for an email account in Plesk

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to enable auto-reply for an email account.

Click the Mail tab.

Select the email address for which you want to setup an auto-reply.

Then click the Auto-Reply tab.

Click to switch on auto-reply, then complete the form.

If you also want the original message forwarded to another email, enter it in the Forward to field.

When ready, click OK.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to enable auto-reply for an email account in Plesk.

That’s it! Now when an email is sent to, the auto-reply message will automatically be sent back to the sender.

How to find and install applications in Plesk

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to find and install third party applications.

Click the Applications tab.

You can use third party applications to add features to your website such as a blog, online store, photo gallery, or you can base your site entirely on a single application such as Joomla or WordPress.

To learn more about an app, simply click its name.

Featured Applications shows the most recommended and popular apps available for your website.

You can learn more about the application… and if you want to use it, you can install it from here.

Now click All Available Applications.

This section shows all the applications, both free and commercial, that are available to be installed.

Selecting a category will narrow your search… and you can also choose a sub-category.

We can now view all the applications related to content management on the web.

Let’s go through an example of installing an app.

That’s it! The application was installed, and you can see the application settings on this page.

In the Manage My Applications section, we can see which applications we’ve installed, and it’s from here that we can go to manage our installed applications.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to find and install third party applications in Plesk.

From here you can change any of your application settings…

Or remove the application from your account.

How to add a domain to your account in Plesk

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to add a domain to our account.

Click the Add Domain button.

Enter the new domain name you want to setup.

Choose the hosting type for this domain. In this case we want the domain to have it’s own website, so we’ll leave Website Hosting selected.

Choose whether you want the preferred domain to have the www prefix or not.

When ready, click OK.

That’s it! The new domain has been created.

To delete a domain, click the Remove Website icon here.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add a domain to your account in Plesk.