How to perform website backups in Plesk

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to backup our website.

Click the Backup Manager link here on the right.

From here you can run an instant backup of your site, or schedule backups to occur in the future.

To backup your site instantly, click Backup.

Decide what content you wish to backup, and whether it’s to be a full or incremental backup.

Configure your backup settings, then click OK.

That’s it! Your backup has begun.

If you want to setup scheduled backups, click Schedule.

Click to activate this backup task, then set the backup frequency.

Set how long to keep the backup files…

… then configure the rest of the backup settings, before clicking OK.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to backup your website in Plesk.

That’s it! The backup task was successfully scheduled, and backups will now occur automatically at the intervals chosen.

How to change your Plesk password

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to change your Plesk password.

Click your login username here.

Then click Edit Profile.

This is the General tab, where you can change your email address or account password.

To change your password, enter and confirm a new password in these fields.

Then click OK.

That’s it! Your password has been changed, and you’ll need to use the new password when logging in from now on.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to change your Plesk password.

How to setup web users in Plesk

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to setup web users.

Click the Web Users option.

You can host personal web pages in your account without them having their own domain name.

You do this by creating a new web user for the website.

Enter a username and password for this new web user.

Then select the options you want this web user to have.

Click OK.

That’s it! The new web user has been created, and they can now manage their own website under your domain.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup web users in Plesk.

How to edit your contact information in Plesk

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to edit your contact information.

Click the Account tab.

Then click the My Profile button.

Click the Contact Details tab.

This is where you can edit your contact information in Plesk. Make any changes you want, then click OK.

That’s it! your contact information has been changed.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to edit your contact information.

When finished, click OK.

How to setup a database in Plesk

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to setup a database.

Click the Databases option.

If your website uses custom data processing apps or is designed to generate web pages dynamically, you’ll likely need a database for storing and retrieving data.

To create a database, click Add Database.

Give the database a name, and select the related site.

Next create a user for the database, which is how Plesk will access the database.

When ready, click OK.

That’s it! The new database has been created and is ready for use.

To manage the database from within Plesk, click the phpMyAdmin link.

This is where you would go to manage your database.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup a database in Plesk.

How to create and manage user roles in Plesk

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to Plesk.

Now let’s learn how to create and manage user roles.

Click the Users tab.

Then click the User Roles tab.

User roles allow you to configure how much access each type of user has to your account.

These are predefined user roles that are automatically created by Plesk. You can review and modify them, or you can create your own custom roles.

Use this button to create a new role.

Give this new role a name, and then grant access to the services you want these users to have access to.

When finished, click OK.

You can edit any of the user roles by clicking on their name…

That’s it! We’ve just created a new user role.

… then make the changes you want, and click OK when finished.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create and manage user roles.