What is the difference between WebHost Manager and cpanel

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to WebHost Manager.

Now let’s learn what the difference is between WHM and cPanel.

WHM is a reseller’s, or hosting provider’s control panel. It is what resellers or hosting providers use to create and manage end-user hosting accounts.

cPanel on the other hand, is the end user’s control panel. It is what the hosting provider’s customers use to manage their individual hosting accounts.

We are currently logged in to WHM, so let’s go take a look at our list of hosting accounts.

Click the account information link.

Then click the List Accounts link.

Here is a list of accounts in this WHM. Once again, each of these accounts have their own individual cPanel, and we can login to their cPanel by clicking the corresponding link.

Let’s login to the cPanel for demoreseller.com

That’s it! As you can see here, we’re now in the cPanel control panel for the demoreseller.com hosting account.

WHM admins have the ability to login to their customer’s cPanel control panels without their username or password. This can be useful in helping customers learn how to use their cPanel.

Ok, now let’s close this window and return to WHM

Welcome back to WHM (WebHost Manager).

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know the difference between cPanel (end user’s control panel) and WHM (hosting provider’s control panel).

Disabale or enable Demo mode in WHM

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to WebHost Manager.

You have ability to turn any account in your WHM into a demo account. A demo account is commonly used as a sales tool, as it allows potential customers to login to cPanel and browse around, but restricts the user’s ability to alter files or folders.

Click the account functions link.

Then click Manage Demo Mode

Select myotherdomain.com as the account to convert into a demo account.

Then click Modify.

We can see here that demo mode is currently disabled for this account.

Click the Enable button.

That’s it! Demo mode has been enabled, meaning that when a user logs in to this account’s cPanel, certain functions will be disabled.

Click Manage Demo Mode again.

Select myotherdomain.com again.

Click Modify.

Then click Disable.

Demo mode has been turned off and the account is once again fully functional.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup a demo account, so you can allow your customers access to a seemingly fully functional cPanel but that won’t allow them to alter any files.

How to edit or delete packages in WHM

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to WebHost Manager.

Now let’s learn how to edit a pre-existing hosting package.

Click the Packages link.

Then click Edit a Package.

Note that there are only 2 packages created in this WHM reseller plan. If there were others (and you can create as many packages as you wish), they would all be listed here.

Select demoreseller_Silver as the package you wish to edit.

Then click Edit.

This is the screen we use to edit the package. Let’s change a few things.

We have changed number of Max Databases.

When finished, click the Save Changes button.

That’s it! The package has been modified as per your new specifications.

Now we’ll show you quickly how to delete packages you’ve created ( or edited ).

Click the Packages link.

Then click Delete a Package.

To delete a package from your reseller plan, select it from this list and click the Delete button.

Note that deleting packages does not delete the actual hosting accounts that were created using the package. It only removes the package as an option when creating new accounts.

This is the end of the tutorial. Remember that you can create as many packages you wish, delete them or edit them at any time. Doing so does not affect any existing hosting accounts.

Becoming familiar with and navigating around in WHM

Every hosting account created in WHM has its own cPanel, an end user control panel.

Let’s take a look around. In this center frame there are several icons we can click on.

These icons correspond to headings in this left frame.

Clicking on an icon will bring up sub-icons that correspond to all the tools available on the left.

Click the account information icon.

Here are the 5 tools available to use under Account Information.

To access any of the these tools, you can click on the corresponding icon in this frame.

You can also click on the link here in this menu frame. You could have also done this from the WHM home page.

Scroll down here to see all the tools available in WHM.

As you can see, there are dozens of tools available to you.

Click the News link.

This is where you would get updates and the latest news from cPanel.

Click the Change Log link.

This page shows detailed information of your version of WHM, historical information about when it was updated, and what changes were made.

To logout of WHM, simply close your browser , or click the Log Out link.

This is the end of the tutorial. You should now be more familiar with WHM and how to navigate its pages. For more information on how to perform specific tasks, please refer to our other videos.

How to change an account password in WHM

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to WebHost Manager.

Now let’s learn how to change an account password.

You may need to change an account password if it’s been forgotten, or if the customer wants it changed for security.

Remember that you can tell a customer that they can change their password themselves from their cPanel, so you really should only need to use the WHM password modification tool if it’s been forgotten and the customer cannot login to cPanel.

Click the Account Functions Link.

Then click the Password modification link.

Select the account that needs a password change.

Then enter a new password for the selected account…

… or click the Generate button to generate a new password.

To confirm the password, either re-type it or copy and paste it in the Confirm Password window.

Make sure to save the new password for your records.

When ready, click Change Password.

That’s it! This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to change the password of any account in WHM.