How to configure your settings in gmail.

The Settings page can be accessed by clicking the Settings icon in the upper right corner…

…then clicking Settings here.

The General tab contains various settings that control the way Gmail operates.

You can change your Gmail display language using the Gmail display language drop down menu.

With the Input tools option, you can type in different languages like French, Arabic etc..

Click Edit tools to select the language of your choice.

Next on this tab is the Maximum page size and contacts option. The default settings is to show 50 conversations and 250 contacts per page, but we can edit these to suit our needs.

Undo Send will help you pull back messages right after you sent them.

The Desktop Notifications option will pop up a notification on your desktop when a new message arrives.

Keyboard shortcuts can help you save time, but they may not work with certain kinds of keyboards.

You can change Gmail’s buttons so that they show the text of the button instead of an icon.

The People Widget tool helps in finding information connected to an email sender. It displays recent information about the contacts in your current email message.

If you want to enter a Signature, you can do so here as well.

Setting a Vacation responder may be useful if you’re not going to be able to sign in to Gmail for a while. Gmail will send an automated reply to all incoming messages using the Subject and Message your Specify here.

When finished, click the Save Changes button.

Your Gmail session may need to be restarted, depending on the settings you changed.

Return to the Settings page.

Now go to Accounts and Import.

Much of what’s here is covered in our other tutorials. Be sure to watch those for more details.

The Check email from other accounts option allows you to configure Gmail to check your other accounts for mail on a regular basis. New mail will appear automatically in Gmail.

The Grant access to your account option allows others to read and send mail on your behalf.

The Labels tab, Forwarding and Themes tabs are covered in other tutorials.

Click the Labs tab.

Gmail Labs contains experimental features that aren’t quite ready for everyone to use. Features listed here may change, break or disappear at any time. You can try anything you want here, but remember that its at your own risk.

Take note of this highlighted link. If you try a Labs feature and then have trouble accessing your Inbox, using this will disable all Labs features and should fix the problem.

Click the Add-ons tab.

Add-ons are applications that extend the functionality of Gmail.

You can click Get add-ons to view the add-ons that are available.

Click the Offline tab.

You can read, respond to, and search your Gmail messages when you aren’t connected to the Internet by installing the Gmail Offline app.

Click the Inbox tab.

You can choose to format your Gmail inbox, including seeing unread messages first, or having inbox categories.

Enabling the Importance markers settings will allow Gmail to automatically mark your emails as important or not important.

Gmail uses several signals to decide which messages to automatically mark as important, including who you email, how often you email them, keywords used in your email, and emails you archive or star.

The Filtered mail setting allows you to override the mail filters if any are configured.

When finished, click Save Changes.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now have a good idea what many of the Gmail Settings do, and how to customize them.

How to configure Forwarding and POP/IMAP access for your gmail.

Gmail gives you the option of activating POP and IMAP access on your account. This allows you to check and send mail using an email client like Mozilla, Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook.

You can also have Gmail forward all your mail to a specific email address.

Let’s learn how to do it.

Click the Settings drop down icon….

… then click Settings.

Click the Forwarding and POP or IMAP tab.

Click the Add a forwarding address button.

Enter the email address to which you wantyour emails forwarded…

… then click Next.

Click Proceed.

A confirmation code will be sent to the email address. Click OK.

Login to the email address that you have set as a forwarding address and copy the code sent by Gmail…

… then paste the code in the Verify window, and click Verify.

That’s it! The forwarding email address has been verified.

Next, enable the forwarding by clicking the Forward a copy of incoming mail to option, and selecting the email address.

Choose what you want Gmail to do with your mail after its been forwarded it to you from the drop down window.

We’ll set ours to archive.

Forwarding has been configured. Now . now.

POP or IMAP are protocols typically given to you by your web hosting provider for email accounts.

Click Enable POP for all mail.

As before, We’ll tell Gmail to archive mail after its been accessed with POP.

To finish setting up POP access, you’ll need to configure your email client. Click Configuration Instructions link to view the steps.

IMAP access is generally preferred over POP, as long as your mail client supports it.

IMAP is disabled by default… but here’s where you would enable it if you needed to.

When finished, click the Save Changes button.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure forwarding and POP or IMAP access for your Gmail account.

How to change your gmail theme.

Themes allow you to control the overall look of Gmail without changing its functionality. Gmail provides a number of default themes, and you can even create your own.

To change your theme, click the wheel drop down icon….

…then click Settings.

Click the Themes tab…

… then click the Set theme link.

The default theme is set to Light.

You can choose any theme here, or click to choose a photo as your theme.

Let’s pick the Blue theme.

That’s it! The theme has been changed.

When finished, click Save.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to change your theme in Gmail.

How to create and manage tasks in gmail.

Like many other mail services, Gmail allows you to create a Tasks list. With this feature, you can maintain a To Do list, to remind you of upcoming events and due dates.

In this tutorial, you will see how to create and manage your tasks and task list in Gmail.

Click the Gmail button…

… then click Tasks.

As soon as you open the Tasks window, Gmail will automatically create a new task for you and let you type its name.

Click below the task name or press Enter and you’llbe able to add more tasks to the list.

Click the arrow to enter further details about your task.

You can give it a due date…

… enter a note about the task…

… or move it to another task list.

When finished, click Back to list.

The date and note you just entered now show up below the task’s name.

Click the Actions option at the bottom of the task list.

This functions will only work when you have a task selected.

Click the bullet list icon to manage your task lists.

Let’s create a new task list… click New List.

Enter a name for the list…

… then click OK.

To return the default list, open the lists menu again…

And select the list you want to manage.

You can also create a task based on an e-mail conversation.

Minimize the tasks window.

Select a conversation…

Then click the More drop down menu.

… then click Add to Tasks.

Your conversation has now been added to the task list.

You can click the Related email link to view that conversation.

Click the arrow to edit the task.

Everything here should look the same as before, with one exception…

… clicking the X next to Related email will disassociate this task from the email.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create and manage tasks in Gmail.

How to view and reply to email conversations in gmail.

This tutorial assumes that you are already logged in to Gmail.

Now let’s learn a little bit about the unique way Gmail displays your messages.

Rather than showing a single entry for each individual email, Gmail groups an email together with all replies- sort of like a thread on a forum. This is referred to as a conversation.

As indicated by the (4) aside the first conversation, it contains four messages. The participants in the conversation are listed to the left of that.

To view a conversation, you can click anywhere on its row in the list, except the controls on the left.

Notice that this conversation only contains one message.

Click the left arrow to go to the conversation directly before this one in the Inbox.

Click the small arrow icon if you want to open the conversation in a New Window.

Click the Printer icon to Print all messages in the conversation.

Gmail will collapse all the messages in a conversation that you’ve already read, except for the newest one.

You can click on a message’s title to expand it.

Or, click the down arrow icon to expand every message in the conversation.

Clicking the same icon again will reverses that action (Collapse all).

Clicking the down arrow icon within a message will display some more information about the message.

In addition to Replying to and Forwarding, there are a number of other actions you can perform on a message.

To reply to a message, you can also click directly in the text area.

…and a standard Gmail composition form will appear.

Click the Trash icon if you no longer wish to reply.

To return to the Inbox, click the return arrow below the search window.

That’s it! This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to view and reply to email conversations in Gmail.

How to manage labels in gmail.

You may be surprised to notice that Gmail doesn’t allow you to create folders to store your emails in.

Instead, Gmail uses a Labels system.

A conversation can have as many labels applied to it as you like, which can be better for organizing that the folders system…

since with folders each conversation could only exist in one folder.

By default, Gmail has a number of different Labels that can be applied to your conversations, such as Inbox, Sent Mail and Important. Some of these are System Labels, while others are Custom Labels.

Each custom label has a drop down menu to its name, providing you with a quick way to edit its properties.

Here, you can add or remove a color to a label, allowing you to visually identify conversations. You can also rename, hide or delete a custom label.

Select a a color to tell Gmail to assign it for this label.

To hide a label, click the drop down arrow next to it, and select Hide.

Notice that the Personal label no longer shows up in our left menu, as it is now hidden.

To find the hidden label in the menu, click the More labels drop down link.

Now you can see all other labels that have been marked as hidden.

Let’s unhide the Personal label.

From here you can Manage labels or Create new labels using the links at the bottom.

You can also manage labels from the Settings menu.

Click the Wheel icon drop down menu, and then click Settings.

Click the Labels tab.

System labels are at the top… and they cannot be removed. All system labels except for the Inbox can be shown or hidden.

Let’s show the Spam label. Click its show link.

Notice that Spam is now visible in the main menu.

At the bottom is where the custom labels are listed. From here you can show them, hide them, or remove them altogether.

Let’s remove the Travel label by clicking the remove link.

Note that removing a label will not delete the messages with that label. Message that have no labels will still show up under All emails.

To rename a custom label , simply hover over its title and click into the text field that appears.

To finish editing the label, click outside the edit box, or just press Enter.

The labels will automatically re-sort in alphabetic order.

Click Create new label to create the Travel label again.

We’ll also show the Receipts label… click it’s show link.

To finish, let’s scroll up and examine our changes.

As you can see, all of the changes we made on this page took effect immediately.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to manage labels in Gmail.

How to manage email conversations in gmail.

To begin, you should first know the different ways you can select conversations in Gmail. You can select them one by one by checking their check boxes…

We are currently viewing the Inbox, so clicking the All or None links in the selector drop down menu will select or deselect all conversations in the Inbox, respectively.

You can choose to only view all unread or all read conversations.

Starring a conversation allows you to keep track of those you feel to be more important.

Click the greyed out star next to a conversation to Star it.

With that done, we can now take advantage of the Starred and Unstarred selection options to select those conversations that have been starred or those that haven’t.

Now that you know how to select conversations, let’s see what we can do with them once they’ve been selected.

Click the More drop down button.

From here, we can mark the selected conversation as Unread, among other actions.

Now, let’s Archive all the Unstarred conversations. First we need to select them…

Then click the Archive icon.

When you archive conversations, they are no longer visible in the Inbox. They haven’t been deleted or moved to the Trash, and still show up everywhere else… just not in the Inbox.

That means our archived messages will always show up under All Mail.

Archived conversations can be moved back to the Inbox by selecting them….

…and clicking the Move to Inbox button.

Next, let’s select the same messages, but this time Delete them, thus moving them to the Trash.

Click the Trash icon to delete.

As this message inform us, if we move conversations from All Mail to the Trash, they will no longer be visible anywhere but the Trash. Any labels previously applied to the conversations will no longer work… unless they are moved back out of the Trash.

Click OK button to proceed.

Let’s find the conversations in the Trash.

In Trash, you’ll see a Delete forever button. With this, you can permanently delete specific messages by selecting them first… or you can click the Empty Trash now link to delete every message in the Trash.

Messages that have been in the Trash for 30 days will automatically be deleted.

Google recommends that you don’t move conversations to the Trash unless you’re absolutely sure you won’t want them in the future… and to instead use the Archive feature. With over 10 GB of storage available to every Gmail account, you have more than enough space to keep every single message ever sent or received by your account.

Now let’s move these conversations back to the Inbox. First, select each one…

Then click and drag the selected conversations over to Inbox.

You should see a message pop up underneath your cursor indicating how many conversations you’re dragging, in our case, three.

Now let go of the mouse button.

The conversations now reside in the Inbox. Go to Inbox now.

You should also know how to report a conversation as Spam.

Simply choose one in the list….

….then click the Spam icon.

Notice that Spam now has Three unread messages in it.

Spam functions similiarly to Trash. You have a Delete forever button, and a Delete all spam messages now link. Messages that have been in Spam for more than 30 days will automatically be deleted… just like messages in the Trash.

If you have incorrectly marked a message as spam, select it, then click the Not spam button.

The conversation has been unmarked as spam and moved back to the Inbox.

You should note that all of the management buttons we just went over, will function exactly the same way when viewing a conversation.

To demonstrate, let’s open a conversation.

All of the actions under the More drop down, will function with the conversation that is currently open.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to manage conversations in Gmail.

How to use labels in gmail.

This tutorial will show you how to use labels in Gmail to organize your email conversations.

There are two ways to label conversations… you can use the Move to or the Labels options.

To use either, you must first select at least one conversation.

We’ll start with the Labels option… click the labels icon below the search window.

Here, you can choose one or more of your existing labels to apply to the selected conversation(s). The search box may be useful if you have many labels.

Let’s label the selected conversation as both Business and Personal.

When ready, click Apply.

The selected conversation has now been labelled as Business and Personal. You can see its labels next to its title.

There’s a shortcut method for applying a single label.

Deselect the previously selected conversation, and select the two above it.

Click Labels icon.

This time, instead of clicking on the checkbox next to the label, click on its name.

Now, let’s see how Gmail treats a selection where not all the conversations selected share the same labels.

Instead of showing a checkmark in the box next to each label, a line is displayed to let us know that some but not all of the conversations use this label.

Simply click the box as before to apply a label to all selected conversations..

…and the line becomes a checkmark.

Click Apply.

The Move to feature is similiar to the Labels feature… the difference being that Move to will remove the label we are currently viewing (Inbox) from the conversation and replace its with the new one we choose.

To demonstrate, let’s select the only conversation that hasn’t been labelled yet and deselect others.

Click the Folder icon.

As you can see, this has the same basic layout as the Labels submenu, except the checkboxes have been removed. You can only move a conversation from one label to one other.

We’re also now able to Move conversations to Spam or Trash… these weren’t options under Labels.

Let’s move the selected conversation to Travel.

Another way to move a conversation is to simply drag it over to the label in the menu.

Click and drag the conversation over to Personal.

Let go of the mouse once the label is highlighted.

There is one last way to manage a conversation’s labels. Open a conversation…

At top of the conversation, you can see a list of labels with an X next to each.

From here, you can remove labels from the conversation.

Or if you click on the label’s name….

…you’ll be taken to a list of all conversations that share that label.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use labels in Gmail.

How to search for messages in gmail.

This tutorial will show you the basics of performing a search in Gmail.

Just like with Google searches, search queries in Gmail can be as simple or as complicated as you want them to be.

To start, let’s perform a search for the word doing, which appears in one of our latest email conversations.

Type your search queries in the search textbox, located at the top of every page in Gmail.

Then, click the Search icon.

Your search results will be displayed above, as if you were viewing your Inbox or some other label’s contents.

You’ll be able to perform any of the email related functions exactly the same way as if you were viewing conversations using labels.

Now, let’s perform another search. The next word in that email is account… but let’s search for accounts (with an s).

As you can see, the message did not show up in the results because Gmail searches are more specific than your typical web search. For example, if you want to find all emails containing the word account, you must search for account and not any variations like accounts in order to for it to work.

Now let’s perform an advanced search. Click the search drop-down arrow.

With these options, you have more control over the search results that are returned. Let’s test out the From field.

Enter a name or email address.

You also have the ability to limit where you want the search to be performed.

Of note is the Mail, Spam and Trash option. Unless you choose this option, Gmail won’t display search results labelled as Spam or Trash.

We’ll leave ours set to All Mail.

Now, click the Search icon.

It worked! The only conversation containing mail from Demo User has shown up.

As this message indicates, even if you don’t choose Mail, Spam and Trash, you’ll still be informed if Gmail finds a match in your Trash or Spam.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to perform a search in Gmail.

How to create email filters in gmail.

This tutorial will show you how to create email filters in Gmail. Filters tell Gmail what to do if it encounters mail that meets specific conditions.

To create a filter, click the Wheel drop down icon…

… then click Settings.

Now, click Filters and Blocked Addresses.

Here you can either import existing filters from your other gmail account or create new filters.

Click the Create a new filter link to create a filter.

The criteria here is very similiar to what you’d see when performing an advanced search.

We’ll use the From field to filter all messages from a specific person. You can use a name or an email address.

When ready, click the Search icon.

The only conversation from this person has shown up.

Let’s go back to the Filters page.

Now that we’ve tested the filter, click the Create filter with this search link.

Choose one or more of these actions to tell Gmail what to do when it encounters a message that matches the filter. Note that the actions will be performed in the order they are listed.

Let’s have Gmail automatically Star the message as important… click Star it.

Let’s also choose to apply a label.

Enable the Never send it to Spam option.

Enable the Also apply filter to matching conversation option for the existing emails.

When finished, click Create filter.

The filter has been created and you have been taken to the filters tab.

Use the edit and delete links to edit or delete the filters.

Let’s return to the Inbox.

To see the final way to create a filter, let’s open a conversation.

Click the down arrow next to the message.

Then click Filter messages like this.

The filter has been applied, as we can now see a yellow star being displayed beside the message.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create and manage filters in Gmail.

How to import mail and contacts from another email account into gmail.

Before you begin manually copying any of your contacts and mail from other email accounts, you should know that Gmail can automatically import mail and contacts from many popular email providers.

Click on the Settings drop down icon…

…then click Settings.

Now click the Accounts and Import tab.

Then click Import mail and contacts.

Tell Gmail the email account you would like to import mail and contacts from…

then click Continue.

Click Continue again…

… and sign in to the account.

Click Agree.

Close the window to continue.

Specify your import options, or just leave the default settings.

By default, Gmail will import all contacts and mail from the account as well as all new mail the account receives for the next 30 days. All imported mail will be labelled with the account’s email address.

When finished here, click Start Import.

It could take several hours or even up to 2 days for the import to complete… depending on how many emails and contacts are being imported. You will be notified when the import has finished.

Click Ok to close this window.

The import we started now shows up under the Import mail and contacts section.

To stop the import, click the stop link.

Once the import process completes, its status will be updated here.

Once the initial import has completed, you can still stop the import to prevent any additional mail from being forwarded. All the data the initial import retrieved will remain intact.

Let’s go to the inbox and verify that our messages have shown up.

Here are two messages, both labelled as Yahoo.

Let’s verify if the contacts are imported.

Click the Gmail drop down icon…

…then click Contacts.

Here are the 2 new contacts that were imported.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to import contacts into Gmail.

How to manage contacts in gmail.

In this turotial, you will find out how to manage your contacts in Gmail.

Click the Gmail drop down icon and then click Contacts.

This is your contact list. you can add, remove or edit contacts, and and organize them in groups. You can also search, Import and Export contacts… or even print them.

To create a new contact group, click Create Label

The new group has been created.

To view a contact’s information, click the contact name.

Here you can see all the information for the contact.

To add this contact to a group, click the 3 dots icon…

Then select the group to add them to.

The contact has been moved to the Internet Friends group.

To edit the contact’s information, select the contact ….

…then click the Pencil icon.

Click the MORE button to view more details about the contact.

Once you are done with editing the contact, click Save.

To add a new contact click the Plus icon.

Simply complete the form to create a new contact.

You can assign a label to a contact as you create it.

If you want to add additional email addresses for this contact, click the plus button.

Let’s also add a phone number for this contact.

Click the MORE button.

We can also add an address for the contact.

When finished, click the SAVE button.

That’s it! The new contact has been added successfully.

You can always edit existing contacts by clicking on their name.

You can also upload a photo for a contact.

From here, you can either hide the contact, delete it, or change its label (or group).

Let’s go ahead and delete the contact we just created.

Click DELETE again to confirm.

You can undo this action by clicking the UNDO button here.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to manage contacts in Gmail.

How to import contacts into gmail.

This tutorial will show you how to import contacts from other mail clients into Gmail.

Before you begin, you’ll need a contact list that you exported from your old mail client in CSV or vCard format.

Click Gmail drop down icon…

… then click Contacts.

Click the More drop down menu…

… then click Import.

Choose the CSV or Vcard file option.

Since this version of Google Contacts doesn’t support the importing function yet, we’ll need to switch to the old version.

Click Import Contacts.

Click Choose file to find your file.

Select the file to import, then click Open.

Finally, click the Import button.

That’s it! The 6 contacts have been imported successfully and can be seen here.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to import contacts into Gmail.

How to export contacts from gmail.

In this turotial, you will learn how to export contacts from Gmail.

Exporting contacts from Gmail is easy. You can export the contacts in several different formats, and can even choose to export only certain groups of contacts.

Click the Gmail drop down icon….

….and then click Contacts.

Click the More drop down option…

… then click Export.

Since this version of Google Contacts doesn’t support the Export option, we will have to switch to the older version.

Click the More drop down button.

Then click Export.

Tell Gmail who you want to export. My Contacts contains only those contacts you have added, while All Contacts contains everyone you have been in touch with using your Gmail account.

We’ll choose All contacts.

Then, select the format you want your export file to be in.

Finally, Click the Export button.

After a moment, a download box should appear. Click OK to save the file to your computer.

That’s it! You’ve successfully exported your contacts from Gmail. Now you just need to import the file into your favorite mail client.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to export contacts from Gmail.

How to edit your personal information in gmail.

This tutorial assumes that you’ve already logged in to your Gmail account.

Now let’s learn how to edit your personal information.

Click the Settings drop down icon and then click on Settings.

Click the Accounts and Import tab.

The first thing you can do here is change your Send mail as setting.

Click edit info.

The default option here is to use your name as specified in your Google account settings when sending email.

If you would prefer, use the box below your name to specify something else for your name.

if you want to send mail with a different reply-to address, click the Specify a different reply-to address link…

… then enter the email address in the text field that appears.

When finished, click Save Changes.

Your name has now been now updated.

You can also change your password, and other account settings on this page.

To edit your personal information, click your main account icon in the upper right corner.

Then click My Account.

On this page you can change your personal info as well as configure your security options and account preferences.

Click Your Personal Info.

On this page you can change your name and other details.

Click on the Name option.

Let’s change the first name.

Click on the arrow icon to go back to the page.

You can also specify an alternate email address to use for your account.

To add an alternate email, click Email

… then click the Recovery email option.

Enter your alternate email address, then click Done.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to edit your personal information in Gmail.

How to create a new Google account.

Since its inception in 2014, Gmail has steadily risen in popularity.

It’s now used by millions across the world to send emails of all sorts, whether personal or business-related.

To use Gmail, you’ll need to create a Google Account. Let’s see how to create one now.

In your browser, navigate to

If you already have a Google Account, you do not need to create another one to use Gmail. You can sign in directly.

Creating a new Google account will give you access to many of Google’s other popular services.

Click More Options

To create a new Gmail account, click Create account.

Enter your First and Last Name.

Type your Desired username.

As you can see, the requested username is not available.

If you want, choose from the list of available usernames…

…or try your luck again.

Our second choice is available.

Now, create a password. It will need to be at least 8 characters in length and of sufficient strength.

Enter your Birthday and Gender.

Enter your mobile phone number which will be used for keeping your account secure.

Enter your current email address (a secondary email ID)…

… which can help if you ever have problems with your Gmail account in the future.

Configure the Default Homepage option as per your needs.

Google will pick up your location automatically, or you can configure it.

Click Next step.

In order to proceed, you must first agree to the Privacy and Terms.

If you accept the terms, click I AGREE.

That’s it! Your new Gmail account has been created and is ready for use.

Click Continue to Gmail.

You’ll be presented with an optional tutorial that will walk you through how to use your Gmail account.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create a new gmail account.

How to login to gmail with your Google account.

If you already have a Google Account, you can use it to log in to Gmail.

Use your browser’s location bar to go to

Enter your Username OR Phone number that was used while signing up the Google account, then click Next.

Enter your Password, then click Next.

You have now been logged in to your Google Account and taken to your Gmail inbox.

To Sign out, simply click on the initial of your username…

… then click Sign out.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to log in to Gmail using your Google Account.

How to compose an email message in gmail.

This tutorial assumes that you are already logged in to Gmail.

Now let’s learn how to compose an email message in Gmail.

To start writing a new message, click Compose.

Clicking the two way arrow icon will allow you to compose your message in a new window.

Use the To field to specify who should receive your message.

Gmail will suggest possible recipients from your Contacts as you type. If you see the correct person, simply click on their name…

…and they will automatically be added to the list. If you wish to add additional recipients, seperate them with a comma.

If you prefer, you can choose from your Contacts list instead of using the autofind functionality.

Click the To link and your Contacts will show up in a new window.

Select a Contacts category.

Click the Select All check box if you want to select all of the contacts.

You can also search through your contacts using the search box.

Or, simply choose one contact at a time.

We don’t need to send this email to the same person twice, so let’s remove the duplicate entry. Simply click X near the contact…

…and the entry disappears from the list.

When finished, click Select.

You can also add Carbon Copy and Blind Carbon Copy recipients in a similar fashion.

Click the Cc and Bcc buttons accordingly to use this functionality.

Carbon copy is meant for listing additional recipients who should not be a primary recipient of this email.

The only difference between that and a Blind Carbon Copy is that everyone who gets the email will know who is in the Cc list…

… while the Bcc list will not be visible to anyone.

If you have more than one gmail account, you can choose which account you want this message sent FROM

… by clicking the the down arrow in the From field.

Now, let’s give our message a Subject.

If you’d like to Attach a File, click the Attach files icon at the bottom.

Now let’s write the body of the message.

Notice that a message has appeared down at the bottom of the email window informing you that your email in progress…

… has been auto-saved. Gmail automatically saves a draft of your email every few seconds.

All drafts can be accessed by clicking Drafts option in the menu.

Use the menu bar at the bottom to apply formatting to your text…

… or to insert an emotion, an image…

… a hyperlink or a file from Google drive.

If you ever question the purpose of button in the formatting bar, you can hover your mouse over the button to see its title.

You may also want to use Gmail’s spellcheck feature. Just click the down arrow at the bottom for spell check.

Words that have been spelled incorrectly, if any, will be highlighted in yellow.

If you no longer wish to send this message, click the Trash icon at the bottom to Discard.

Otherwise, press the Send button.

Your message has now been sent.

Click View Message to see it.

You can also find this message in the Sent Mail folder, along with any other message you’ve sent using Gmail.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to compose and send a message using Gmail.